Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wonderful things available at farmers markets

April 1st was the opening of the Lawton Farmer's market so I'm sharing some of the wonderful things you can get at the farmer's market besides produce. I love, love, love going to farmer's markets large and small and go to different ones whenever and wherever I'm traveling.  It's always great so see what's available in each location.  Our local farmer's market is not large but has a great variety of items to pick up each week and will be in full swing this summer with a lot more produce. I love supporting local, knowing where my food and other products comes from is really important to me.  We try to use local products whenever possible and stay away from added chemicals and processed foods so the farmer's market is perfect for my family's needs but just fun to go to.

Entwined Vines Winery and Vineyard has great wine, jams, jellies and salsas for sale. They are one of our favorite stops. Plus Windmill Corner Farms has great baked goods for sale.  Their dinner rolls are my husband's favorites.

One of my favorite things is lavender soap made by Cathy Fields of Turkey Creek Lavender.  I've been using her soap for over 5 years and don't use anything else. My
absolute favorite is lavender lemongrass.  She also sells teas, sugars, culinary lavender, lavender spray, bath bombs and lotion bars.  This is my go to place for gifts for friends and family.  I love all her products and it's homemade.

The Jerk is another vendor that sells homemade beef jerky is many different flavors.  We've tried several and have loved them all.
Jerky is a great go to snack.

Legako Farms always has great produce plus Helen's Gourmet Dog Treats which are my dog, Clapton's, favorite treats.  He goes to the market with me and his 1st stop is at Helen's tent to get a pet and free sample. 

That's another great thing about the farmer's market, it's kid and pet friendly.  There are several people who bring their dogs and as long as they are on a leash it's fine.  Clapton loves to make new friends. Plus they have a special Dog Days at the market, this year it's May 6, 2017 with a lot more pet related vendors and treats planned.

From time to time, they also have activities for the kids.  Recently they a rabbit out where kids could pet it and take their picture with it.  They've also had scavenger hunts and stories read.

Cole's Greenhouse is a great place to get all kinds of plants.  Herbs, vegetables, flowers, and spider plants to name a few.  They are hardy to our area, reasonably priced and look great.  I buy almost all my plants from Cole's and have had great success with them.

There are also several craft vendors that come either weekly or on the 1st of the month.  My daughter and I had a booth for several years.  There's crocheted items, jewelry, wind chimes and bird feeders, wooden crafts and all kinds of stuff. 
Wilhelmina Ensing has beautifully sewn items, aprons, bibs, hot pads and more.  One of my favorite is a bowl hot pad that fits perfectly under a bowl for heating food in the microwave.  I keep mine in my lunch bag and have bought several for gifts.  They are pretty and practical and make great gifts.

Devil's Claw Ranch is back this year with homemade granola, salsa and sourdough bread.  I haven't tried the salsa but I love the granola and sourdough bread.  I keep a bag of granola at work to eat with my yogurt each day, it's great and not hard like ones I've gotten at the store. 

There are several vendors that sell fresh eggs.  I've been buying eggs at the farmer's market for years.  There is usually at least 1 vendor that sells during the winter so I can stay stocked up on fresh eggs.  I can't remember when the last time I bought eggs at the store.  Fresh eggs are so much better, once you try them, you're hooked at can't go back.

Another one of our favorite things is eating breakfast at the Dry Beaver food truck. Everything we've tried has been fantastic.  The farmer's market breakfast is one of my favorites.  It includes eggs (scrambled or fried), choice of meat, bacon is mine, biscuits and gravy, plus a biscuit and homemade jam and fried potatoes. We usually share because there's so much food.  Plus they have homemade ice cream that is so yummy. 

The manager's tent always has information about the market plus Oklahoma products for sale, peanuts, honey and peanut butter to name a few.

Another favorite of ours is Ballou Farms meat.   They bring a big refrigerated truck out with frozen meat that's locally raised.  They do their own beef which is great.  We always stock up on meat there instead of getting it at the store.  The chicken is fantastic.  They have a small store in Elgin, OK on main street and we have gone there for meat during the winter when the market was closed for the season.

I haven't listed everything that's there from week to week, just some highlights.  There is so much more available and as the season progresses there will be even more vendors out.  So come out and enjoy the farmer's market.
