Saturday, June 8, 2013

The joys of fresh lettuce

mixed lettuce from seeds growing in old wash tub in front yard
 We are growing our own lettuce again this year. We have several different kinds and growing in the front and back yard.  Most we grew from seeds that we started in milk jugs back in February but we did buy the leafy lettuce that we planted.  We have rocket, mixed leafy lettuce, arugula, bib lettuce and leafy lettuce, plus Swiss chard which is great in salads.  We tried spinach but didn't have much luck this year so we have been buying that and adding it to our mixture.  We've had salad several times this season and it's always so yummy. Now that the farmer's market it open we get all kinds of yummy veggies to add to our salad like carrots, radishes, tomatoes, plus fresh eggs hard boiled. I went out last night and picked this bowl of fresh lettuce for chef salad. I also made pasta salad and added our fresh basil.
Tabitha and I finished off the pasta salad for lunch today.  More pasta salad definitely in our future along with more chef salad.  I won't be buying iceberg
fresh picked for chef salad
hydroponic lettuce
lettuce anymore.  After eating fresh it's hard to even eat a salad at a restaurant that's mainly iceberg lettuce.  We bought this beautiful hydroponic lettuce from Murphy Farms this morning outside of Coop.  I snacked on it by itself it is so good.  More salad this week. I love this time of the year. We are having so much fun with our victory garden plus hanging out at the farmer's market and buying fresh produce. We have picked our first green bean and banana peppers. I added the green bean to the ones we bought at the farmer's market last week that I snapped and put in a baggie and froze. I cut the
banana peppers up today and they went into succotash chili which is on the stove cooking for later this week. I added yellow squash, turnip, garlic, zucchini, and onions all from the farmer's market plus corn I had cut up in the freezer and fresh tomatoes. Eating healthy at the Beckman house. Enjoy.
banana peppers from garden

leafy lettuce and rocket in back yard
1st green bean harvested

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