Saturday, September 14, 2013

Squash, Tomato, Chicken Casserole

 I've been reminded that it's been awhile since I've blogged so posting a new recipe that I made up last weekend and is now a family favorite.  I found a recipe online for Zucchini Gratin with layers of zucchini and tomatoes topped with cheese that sounded good and a way to use more of my farmer's market produce.  I changed it up quite a bit to satisfy the 2 carnivores in my family (John and Aubree) and added a layer of chicken in the middle.  I made a medium and small casserole instead of a big one in order to have enough for 2 meals and room in my frig.  I usually do my cooking on Saturday for Sunday lunch and for the week so these are a nice size to pop in the microwave for 10 minutes after church or work. They loved it so much it was gone by Tues so I made more today.   We've been loving all the home grown tomatoes I've been getting all summer at the farmer's market, so another way to cook tomatoes is a winner in this family. I also used 3 varieties of squash, yellow, zucchini and zephyr but any summer squash will do. The recipe also called for Italian dressing but I've been buying some awesome homemade tomato dressing at the farmer's market so used it, really any dressing will do.  I also sneak in eggplant, sorry Aubree.  I peel and shred it and cook it with the onions, garlic, sweet peppers and chicken.  You can't really taste it, it pretty much acts as a filler.  I try to add as many vegetables that I can to pretty much any dish I make.  This makes Tabitha and I very happy, Aubree and John not as happy which is why I add meat. I don't do exact measurements so these are approximate and I use what I have on hand.  Here's the recipe.  Enjoy!

      Squash, Tomato, Chicken Casserole

4 medium summer squash, such as yellow and zucchini thinly sliced (enough for 2 layers)
4 large tomatoes, sliced (2 layers as well)
4 cups of shredded cheese
4 boneless chicken breasts (or equivalent to 3 to 4 cups of chicken)
1 cup peeled and shredded eggplant
1/2 cup chopped sweet peppers
1/2 cup chopped onions ( I used 1/2 green and 1/2 purple onions), chopped garlic (about 2 to 3 cloves)
1 T Italian or tomato dressing, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1/4 cup cream cheese, seasoned salt, pepper, oregano, parsley, garlic powder or garlic pepper 1 to 2 teaspoons each.

Slice squash and tomatoes and set aside in separate bowls as well as shredded cheese.  In a skillet, cook chicken, eggplant, sweet peppers, onion and garlic (I also added 2 tablespoons of subfrito, recipe for this is in an earlier blog) with seasoned salt, pepper and garlic powder or garlic pepper in a little olive oil and about 1/2 cup of water (cover) until chicken is done,  25 minutes or so.  Take chicken out and cut up into bite size pieces then return to skillet.  Add dressing, sour cream, cream cheese, oregano and parsley and stir until blended and creamy. Assemble casserole in layers starting with squash, tomatoes, chicken mixture, cheese, another layer of squash, then tomatoes and top with last of cheese.  Bake covered for 45 minutes in 350 degrees oven. 

This works great made ahead of time and reheated in microwave to 10 to 12 minutes.  Serve with salad and or fruit.  We ate ours with watermelon.  I've been buying watermelons each week at the farmer's market alternating each week between yellow and red meat.  Loving our farmer's market.