Tuesday, July 3, 2018

An Original Farmers Market Fan Girl

This past Saturday my husband and I went to Oklahoma City to spend the day with our oldest daughter, Tabitha.  The plan was to go to several farmers market, see a movie and go out to eat. It really was a day of farmer's markets.  Before leaving town, we went to our local Lawton farmer's market to get breakfast, produce and visit friends, farmer's market #1. I had worked last Saturday so missed the farmer's market and it's peak season so I wanted to check ours out first before heading to OKC.  I tried to contain myself and not buy too much but it was really hard, so many fresh produce to select from especially tomatoes.  Tomatoes are one of my absolute favorite summer fruit to preserve and cook with.  I'm a tomato snob and only like fresh tomatoes and don't buy them from grocery stores.  I'm growing my own tomatoes as well and this is the best year I've had so far. We dropped our dog, Clapton, and our purchases off at the house and headed out of town.  Clapton loves the farmer's market as much as I do and is a big hit there getting lots of pets from his friends.  We met Tabitha at the OSU OKC farmers market,  on 400 N Portland Ave, farmers market #2.  This is a year round indoor market on Saturdays from 8am to 1 pm. I've been here before and it's a great market with all kinds of local products, plants, meat, baked goods, dried teas and herbs, live music and more.  Tabitha shops here frequently and has her favorite vendors she buys from so it was fun her sharing that with me. I've passed on my love of farmers market, eating local and cooking from scratch to both of my girls. Tabitha calls me a farmers market tourist and this weekend she posted that I'm the original farmers market fan girl since I've been taking them to farmers markets and fruit stands their whole lives. I bought fresh corn, dried tea, spices, dried beans, fruit and more. I got really excited about the dried beans and Tabitha laughed at me and said I was cute but when I can replace something that I normally buy from the grocery store with a local option, that's exciting to me. We took our purchases back to her apartment and my husband stayed there while Tabitha and I checked out  farmers market #3 in the OKC farmers market district. Located in the historic OKC farmers public market building this is an indoor, year round market open on Saturdays from 9 to 2.  It's on 311 S Klein Ave off of Reno. It has produce, meat, handmade goods, honey, baked goods and more.  We got baked goods, cantaloupe, some amazing chicken and goat sausage, cabbage and more. Tabitha shops here but I had never been before so it was fun checking out a new place. We saw plants and produce around the corner on 211 S Ellison Ave so checked out Pam's Plants and Produce as well, open daily from 8:30 to 5:30, market #4. I had not bought plants at any of the other markets but they had a rose moss with really pretty flowers that's a different variety than what I have so I bought 2 to put on my porch. I also got green beans and watermelon.  The watermelon was from Texas since it's too early for ours yet but I've been really wanting watermelon so figured that was local enough. We were hot and tired so headed back to her apartment.  Another great place in that area is the Urban Agrarian on 1235 SW 2nd St.  We've shopped there before but didn't this last time since we had so much stuff already. They work directly with farmers and offer local produce, eggs, dairy, meat and locally prepared foods.  They are open on weekends and sell at various farmers markets including Norman, Edmond and across from St Anthony's  Hospital.  We had a great day with Tabitha, farmers market shopping, going to a movie and out to eat for dinner then headed home. Sunday afternoon I started cutting up my produce and made a big pot of green beans and new potatoes with ham, all products of farmers markets and one of my favorite summertime meals. My recipe is on another blog post. So that's a day with a  farmers market addict, tourist, fan girl, and a very happy woman.

OSU OKC farmers market
Tabitha said this is me in my natural habitat
Pam's plants and produce

Pam's plants and produce

OKC farmers public market
Green beans and new potatoes with ham
OKC farmers public market

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