Friday, July 8, 2016

Southern Tomato Pie

made with cherry tomatoes sliced in half

Since it is peak tomato season, Southern Tomato Pie is on the menu for July's post.  I love, love, love homegrown tomatoes, all varieties that I either grow myself or get at the farmers market. No supermarket tomatoes for me. Every summer I take full advantage of tomato season and eat them on salads, sandwiches, can them, freeze them, put them in casseroles, make several versions of spaghetti/pasta sauce and make gallons and gallons of tomato soup.  Well not gallons but one summer it did seem that way to my daughters when I kept making soup (because I bought so many tomatoes) and they said that was enough with the soup.   I always have several versions of tomato dishes in my freezer at any given time.  Usually I make stuff in the summer during peak season and in the winter enjoy fresh spaghetti or veggie pasta sauce for a quick dinner. One summer on our way to the Beckman family reunion, my husband, John, and I stopped by his Aunt Peggy's in Mississippi for a visit.  She fixed us tomato pie for lunch my life changed forever.  I loved it so much she gave me the recipe and I have made it ever since.  John isn't much of a tomato fan but this is my daughters and my favorite summer meal.  I make it several times a month, 2 at a time, as soon as tomatoes are available at the farmers market. I've changed it up over the years, adding different vegetables to the tomatoes like steamed eggplant, zucchini or sweet peppers, or fresh spinach. I've also experimented with different cheeses and made changes to the mayonnaise mixture adding smoked tomato dressing I get from the farmers market or some other dressing/dip that I have that needs to be used up. I make it so often that like the variety of changing things up. Aunt Peggy's recipe called for sliced tomatoes and I did that for years but last year my daughter, Aubree, made it for herself (she doesn't live at home) and chopped them and liked that better so most of the time now I chop instead of slice. Thanks Aunt Peggy for sharing your tomato goodness.  Here's the recipe:
Southern Tomato Pie recipe
makes 2 pies
2  9 inch pie crusts (homemade or box) cooked until light brown, 15 to 20 minutes in pie plates
4 to 6 large tomatoes, sliced or chopped
1 T each Italian seasoning, parsley, oregano, sweet basil (dried or fresh)
seasoned salt and pepper
1 cup mayonnaise (can also use 1/2 c mayo and 1/2 c sour cream)
2 pkgs. shredded sharp cheddar cheese (I use 1 bag shredded and grate a block of extra sharp cheddar cheese, can also use other kinds of cheese as well, Gouda is really good)
Parmesan cheese

homegrown tomatoes are the best
Slice or chop tomatoes and put in colander to drain liquid (at least 20 minutes).   In small bowl, mix together mayonnaise (and sour cream if desired) with herbs. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on bottom of browned crust and add drained tomatoes, sprinkle tomatoes with seasoned salt and pepper. Add a little shredded cheese, about 1 cup then spread mayo mixture and top with rest of shredded cheese.  Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over top if desired.  Bake in 350 oven for 30 to 40 minutes until hot and bubbly. Let cool for 10 minutes before slicing.

Added vegetable options:  sliced eggplant or zucchini and/or chopped sweet peppers steamed for 5 to 10 minutes in microwave until tender then added to tomatoes in pie crust then add mayo mixture and cheese and bake.
Fresh spinach whole or shredded added to tomatoes in pie crust then add mayo mixture and cheese and bake.

Enjoy, Bamah
topped with cheese

mayo mixture over tomatoes
finished pies, chopped tomatoes

finished pies, sliced tomatoes

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