Saturday, January 19, 2019

Snow Day Blessings

Snow days are such a blessing, especially in Oklahoma where we don't get much snow to speak of. Snow in Oklahoma is measured in inches, not feet.  When it does snow, it doesn't matter what time it is, you go outside to play in it because before long it's melted and gone. Sometimes it melts in the same day but usually by the next day it's gone. It's really special if it stays around for 2 days. Snow somehow makes me nostalgic, remembering my childhood, old Christmas movies that had snow in them and just a quieter time to hold up at home with blankets and warm drinks. It also brings out our inner child as in throwing snow balls at each other, playing out in it and building a snowman. We had our first snow on a Saturday in early December and it was quite a bit for us. My daughter, Tabitha, was home for the weekend and I was working.  We closed early due to weather so I went home and made soup.  We immediately went out and started taking pictures of our winter wonderland.
Tabitha and our dog, Clapton, played out in the snow and she built a snowman. Clapton had a blast running around in the snow with her but after awhile he got cold and was ready to come inside. Snow brings out Tabitha's inner child, she gets giddy and just has to be out in it. The next day the sun was out and by the afternoon the snow was melted and gone. The first part of this month, we got another snow storm, this time several inches fell and blanketed the area closing many schools and businesses.

We had 1 1/2 snow days which was nice. I was already off but it was still exciting to wake up to snow covering everything. I went outside and took pictures, everything was so pretty. Snow causes us to slow down, it gives us time to hibernate, clean out stuff, cook, watch TV, read or just relax. Tabitha had 2 days off from work because of weather so the first day she cleaned and rearranged furniture in her apartment and the second day she walked around her neighborhood taking snow pictures.
May this year bring many blessing days where we can slow down and just enjoy the moments.

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