Sunday, October 21, 2012

Farmer's market corn

I love fresh corn!!.  I haven't bought a can of corn in over a year.  Last year I think I bought corn almost every week at the farmer's market and shucked it and put the ears in freezer bags until I didn't have any more room so started cutting it off the cob first.  I had enough corn to last until about February this year when I finally had to buy a bag of frozen from the store.  This year I've bought corn almost every week as well at least 4 to 8 ears at a time, generally 6.  I shuck it, wash and cut off the cob, then put it in a freezer zip lock bag and put in the freezer raw, I don't cook it at all. When I need corn I just pound the bag on the counter and break up what I need if I don't use the whole bag. It's great tasting in whatever I'm cooking and I know that there's nothing added to it like salt or preservatives.
I have a large shallow bowl that is perfect for cutting the nuggets off the cob.  I found this is much easier than using a cutting board then I scoop the corn into a labeled freezer bag, seal and freeze.  If I have an existing bag that I've used some of the corn and there's room I just add the new corn to it.  I have about 3 bags in my freezer now, a gallon and 2 quart sizes. 
I made a lot of succotash chili this summer so used a bunch of corn for that so now I'm restocking my freezer for the winter.  This coming Saturday is the last farmer's market for the season.  Always a sad day for me but having my bags of corn in the freezer is a nice consolation.

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