Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sofrito recipe

Sofrito recipe

For my 1st recipe post I wanted to start with a family standard that's very easy and great to use in everyday cooking.  Sofrito is pureed onions, garlic and any kind of peppers.  It's very versatile and you can add additional vegetables depending on what you have or what's in season.  I've added chopped radishes when I had extra and needed to use them, tomatoes, celery, turnips and all kinds of sweet and hot peppers in various combinations as well as different kinds of onions, red, white or spring onions.  The basic recipe is 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, and 2 bell peppers, or any color or combination of banana peppers, sweet peppers or hot peppers.  Chop everything up and puree in blender (or super easy with food processor) with a little water, about 1/4 to 1/2 cup and a drizzle of olive oil.  I put it in a pint canning jar in the refrigerator which will keep for a month but I usually use it up before the month is up and put the rest in quart freezer bags and freeze.  I add 2 to 4 tablespoons to whatever I'm cooking that calls for onions and/or garlic.  Soups, meat, eggs, even chicken salad or homemade salad dressings.  I get several kinds of onions and peppers plus garlic at the farmer's market all summer and make several batches then freeze them and have enough for the winter.  If I run out I do get stuff at the store to make more but I like all the variety I get from the farmer's market better.
Another option is to add fresh or dried herbs.  I mostly add oregano and parsley.  I love parsley and add it to just about everything.

made in food processor, celery added to onions and garlic

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