Sunday, October 7, 2012

My new blog

My daughter Tabitha has set me up with a blog in order to share craft ideas, recipes and my farmer's market adventures.  I have quite a following on Facebook so decided to do a blog where I can post recipes and more about what I do with all those vegetables I buy every week at the farmer's market. My friends and family have teased me about my "addiction" to the farmer's market but they also enjoy all the tasty things I cook from the produce and eggs I get each week.  So what that I've gone almost every Saturday for the last 2 years, it's not really an addiction, maybe more of an obsession.  I love it though, I've made lots of friends and it's like a family you visit each week and get wonderful things to eat plus plants and a whole lot more. I even bought Christmas gifts this week from the knitting ladies and lavender products from my friend, Cathy Field.  I love to cook and love fresh vegetables and love buying local produce.  That's a lot of love, it's my happy place. I also love to sew, crochet and general crafting so can share ideas in more detail.  My crochet projects of late have been making tote bags from plastic sacks made into "plarn".  I've also made rugs and am working on a mat for the homeless. Stay tuned for more updates, recipes, craft projects and of course farmer's market adventures.  I also go to other farmer's markets when we travel like going to Okla City for my husband's doctors appointment this past Friday.  So yes, I am serious a farmer's market fan.

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