Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Meat loaf recipe

One of my favorite cookbooks

 So I haven't been as good posting on my blog as I planned so getting back to it. My youngest daughter, Aubree, had requested meat loaf one of the last times she was home which I did and changed it up some.  I now add chopped/shredded vegetables to pretty much everything I cook, except sweets. I've always added some by now I have a wider selection to choose from with all my farmers market purchases. Plus it's healthier and I love veggies. I have to add a plug for eggplant. It is very good for you and when peeled and shredded it takes on the flavor of the meat it's added to and you can't really taste it for those who don't think they like it. I add it to all kinds of things and no one notices it's there.   I also didn't use tomato paste and ketchup from my original recipe and substituted instead Tastefully Simple Bayou Bourbon glaze (a savory brown sugar sauce) to the mixture and on top before baking. We loved it so won't go back to ketchup. I also like to add some other kind of ground meat like ground pork or turkey to hamburger meat, we try to eat less red meat so this is a good way to do that.
Aubree asked me last week to email her my recipe so she could make meatloaf herself so since I wrote it out for her I decided it was a good one to post here. I usually make at least 2 loaves as it's great as meatloaf sandwiches and freezes really well.  I write in all my cookbooks so I remember what I changed and so the girls have a record when they use my books or when I pass them along. I also add in recipes on extra pages so the books I use the most look like scrap books with all kinds of stuff pasted in and written on. It works for me. Here's my meatloaf recipe. As always with my recipes, I have to add a disclaimer, I don't really measure stuff, I just throw in what I have so these measurements are approximate.
my original recipe along with my changes

 Meat Loaf
1 to 2 lbs ground beef
1 lb ground pork or turkey
1/4 to 1/2 c shredded eggplant
1/2 c shredded carrots
1/2 c shredded celery
1/2 c shredded zucchini
1/2 c chopped sweet peppers
1 chopped onion also add some onion, onion
1 clove garlic, minced or 1 to 2 T garlic, garlic
1/2 to 1 c shredded fresh spinach
1 t each seasoned salt and pepper
1 to 2 T parsley
1 t sage
1 to 2 T Worchestershire sauce
2 T sofrito
1 T meat seasoning, Head Country or TS Everyday Grilling or steak seasoning
1/4 c Bayou Bourbon glaze

1 T spicy mustard
1/2 to 1 c bread crumbs or crushed crackers (add enough to where mixture will hold shape)
1 pkg shredded cheddar cheese
1 beaten egg, optional, (the veggies add moisture so depending on them if egg is needed for binding)
Mix all ingredients together and form into loaf, add more bread crumbs if too moist and beaten egg if too dry. Basically you can use whatever veggies you want just have more meat than veg for the right texture (I have over vegged before and it wasn't as good) Place in loaf pan. top with Bayou bourbon glaze (or ketchup)  and bake at 350 for a least 1 hr, pull out and put on flat pan and cook for another 20 to 25 minutes to crisp sides. Don't leave in the loaf pan or it will soak up all the grease. Can also cook in muffin pan for 20 to 30 minutes.


My daughter, Aubree, sent me a picture of her meatloaf she made for dinner so am sharing here. She added chopped kale to hers, great idea.

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