Thursday, June 25, 2015

Serious Farmers Market Addiction

farmers market in St Joseph MO
farmers market photo shoot
another local photo shoot
Hello, my name is Bamah and I am a serious farmers market addict.  I admit my addiction and take all kinds of kidding from family and friends. But as addictions go, at least mine is healthy and benefits others. I've been going to our local farmers market faithfully, rain or shine for the past 5 years. On Saturday mornings from spring to fall, I'm out there usually with my dog, Clapton, (years ago it was Lizzie until she passed away) most of the times one or both of my daughters go with me or I go by myself. I buy the majority of what we eat at the market, eggs, meat, vegetables, fruit, baked goods, plus plants, dog treats, homemade soap and more. I've gotten Christmas gifts when craft vendors are there. The past 3 years pretty much our entire Thanksgiving dinner has been purchased at the market including fresh turkeys. I love knowing where my food comes from, supporting local, providing healthier meals and eating less processed food. It's great visiting with the vendors/farmers each week, knowing their names and they knowing mine, really like a little family. I take pictures each week of what I purchase plus the food I've cooked and post them on Facebook. My husband teases me about my "photo shoots". I have quite a following which is why I started this blog with recipes and such. Plus when I get overly ambitious and buy too much and as a result cook too much food for us to eat in a week, I always share with family and friends which they love.
 This past weekend was Dog Days at our local Lawton farmer's market with all kinds of activities and products for dogs sadly I had to miss it due to my husband and I going out of town to visit our youngest daughter, Aubree, for Father's Day weekend. Now I would by no means choose the farmers market over my family, although my daughter did tease me when I said I'd miss the Dog Days event. I do manage to work around the market when going out of town most of the time and check out farmers markets at places we visit. It's not like I really need anymore produce, I have a freezer full of stuff, but I still like going and seeing what's there plus when buying in season everything is at it's freshest. I follow the Lawton Farmer's market and Murphy Farms on Facebook. I also get updates from one of the markets in Oklahoma City that we visited last year. Wherever we go I manage to find a farmer's market or fruit stand. I checked the Lawton Farmer's market Facebook page concerning the Dog Days event even though I wasn't able to go to which my daughter gave me a hard time and resulted in this post. My love of farmers markets has rubbed off on my daughters, not to the same level as mine but they enjoy getting fresh produce and supporting local. Aubree currently is doing contract work as an occupational therapist and moves every 3 to 6 months. Usually when she moves to a new place, I look online and find farmer's markets for her to check out. When I visit her that's one of the 1st places we go. When she was in California their markets were fantastic and I was in heaven when I got to go with her. Although I couldn't really buy a lot since I was flying back home so I took a lot of pictures and just enjoyed being there. She now lives in Missouri so of course we went this past Saturday to their local market and I brought stuff home with me. It's always fun to see different produce and items in the different places, and what's in season there. I very happily brought home several pounds of tomatoes in 4 different varieties.  It did my heart good when she said we had to get some from her "tomato guy" because his heirloom tomatoes are so good. I also have my favorite farmers/vendors that I always buy from, that's part of the charm.  So if you want to find me on a Saturday morning, check out the local farmers market because I will be there buying stuff for the week to cook and stocking my freezer for the winter.
St Joseph pickings
beautiful peppers at CA farmers market

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