Monday, November 2, 2015

Watermelon rind preserves/jam

Watermelon rind preserves homage to Grandma

I'd planned to get several recipes posted this summer but somehow time got away from me and then I had computer issues. I had a busy summer of canning, making jams, pickles, salsa and relishes. I think I canned something every weekend for 3 months. I hadn't canned in years and had so much fun trying new recipes and reviving old favorite ones. In July I made watermelon rind preserves for the first time in years paying homage to my grandmother. I remember her making them when I was young and loving them. I don't remember if she made them every summer but it seemed that there were always jars of them in the cabinet. She didn't process them in a water bath but sealed the jars with paraffin wax which was popular at the time. She made several kinds of preserves and jams but didn't really do any canning, only using the wax. The watermelon rind preserves was always one of my favorites. Sadly, I don't have her recipe and I'm not sure she had one written down. She wasn't one for written recipes, she just did it. I used to ask her about written recipes and cook books to which she would just say that she didn't need a recipe for "just cooking groceries".  I looked in several of my cookbooks and online to come up with a recipe that worked for me. I decided to cook them in the crock pot similar to an apple butter recipe I have since it's best if they are cooked low and slow. It worked great, I just had to finish up on the stove for the last 30 minutes on medium heat to get the thickness I wanted. Grandma's always had small pieces in a syrup but I cooked mine longer and mashed them a bit with a potato masher because I like mine more spreadable. It was more of a jam consistency rather than preserves which is what I prefer. The majority of fruit spreads I've made come under a jam/butter/preserve combination. I like the fruit pieces so don't really do much jelly which is just the juice. I'm also on an all natural kick so only using natural pectin found in fruits and longer cooking times to get the "set" or consistency needed. Apples and citrus have natural pectin especially in the peals so I finely chopped a couple of small apples plus the zest and juice from 1 lemon (oranges work great too).  I made the preserves on one day, cooled them and put them in the refrigerator. I heated them up the next day to a boil them put them in sterilized jars and processed them in a water bath. I've done this with apple butter as well. I find it works best for me to do small batches when canning so I don't wear myself out. Eating my wonderful watermelon rind preserves/jam on my toast took me back to my childhood and breakfast with Grandma, wonderful memories.

Watermelon rind preserves/jam recipe

8 c watermelon rind cut into small pieces
cover with salted water and chill overnight, rinse
1 c lemon juice
zest from 1 lemon
1 c water
2 c sugar
1 t ginger
1/4 t cloves
1 t allspice
1 t cinnamon
1 grated green apple, peel included
sterilized jars

In large pot combine ingredients, cover and bring to boil over high heat, stir to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for about 1 hour, stirring often, or until translucent.  Or put in crock pot, cook on high for 30 minutes then turn to low 8 to 10 hours or until tender.  The last 30 minutes does have to be on high on stove to thicken to consistency needed. If preserves wanted, put cooked rind in jars and boil syrup for 10 minutes to thicken then fill jars leaving 1/2 head space on top. If wanted more jam/butter consistency, partially mash with potato masher and put mixture in sterilized jars leaving 1/2 head space on top.  Process in water bath canner for 10 minutes after full boil reached. Let jars cool overnight then store in cook, dry, dark place.  Great spread for toast or biscuits.  Enjoy.

cooking in crock pot

finished jars

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